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  1. I’ve had many friends/cousins look into fostering but not follow through. The process is a bit scary and the rules require sacrificing. I didn’t know you can’t take foster kids out of state for a vacation and that if you had adult children come home for holidays they would have to be screened too. Many are afraid of being unjustly accused of something or realize they should not do this if they have their own children still at home.
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13310243/mormon-face-former-member-religious-sect-ryan-gosling.html Enjoy! Mormons all look alike. Didn’t know that. We are all interrelated because we intermarry. Did you know Ryan Gosling ‘looks’ Mormon? This article explains it. Super-duper informative. ’fixed link’
  3. Evil stuff. The video of the kids is just awful. The neighbor choking up on the 911 call. 😩 Those kids would have died. The journal entries…
  4. I'm purposefully not re-reading the books and keeping my memory of the details fuzzy. That way, I won't be too disappointed with changes. I've read some spoilers of the changes and think that will actually help my enjoyment. I won't be caught off guard. I am seeing the movie Saturday. I loved the first movie. My biggest complaint with the Lord of the Rings movie adaptions is I felt they completely ruined Faramir. Very frustrating. Overall, the movies did a really good job. The last movie disappointed me the most. The Hobbit trilogy was unwatchable for me.
  5. The first was a 3 panel review and this goes to the en blanc review of the full circuit which is another step in the appeals process. https://www.federalrulesofappellateprocedure.org/title-vii/rule-35/
  6. This is true. There is a point logic and study fail and you have to choose faith. When I went through my mini faith crisis and read all the anti-stuff and had anger and many questions, there was a day that it became really clear to me that I can choose God or walk away. I chose God and faith.
  7. On my X account, many Christian believers did not like the ad. It was very controversial.
  8. I read the transcript on youtube (not a very copy/paste format). The story is at 2:16:00 about.
  9. I really don't like listening to podcasts or Mormon Stories. My sister mentioned this case and said she read one of the reasons he left was because of not being able to do anything about a predator in his ward and he went directly to the police even though leaders above him counseled against it. Is this in that interview or at all accurate?
  10. I tried the new Mr and Mrs Smith. I won’t finish. Not a fun show. Boring with unlikeable characters.
  11. That is just awful. Very traumatic and I hope he can find healing with coming out in the open with the abuse. Does he mention if anyone was ever held accountable? These abuses need sunlight.
  12. I think he got thread banned because his posts are gone.
  13. And it wasn’t one of the ‘finish the degree you didn’t complete’ ads either.
  14. To attend BYU. Why spend money on that? They have plenty of applicants.
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